I sold my trusty old Peavey powered mixer last year and bought a Yamaha 512SC. I found it used at the local mom and pop shop where they always treat me really well and they gave me a great price on it. It sounds great and is super portable. It can power FOH mains and monitors as well. Yamaha also makes a 312 and a 212 model if I'm not mistaken
I have some big old but perfect Peavey SP-5 cabinets that house a 15" and a horn. They're big and beefy and sound great, but they weigh in at 66 lbs. each. So I grabbed some lightweight Behringer cabs on-line to use up a credit I had. I had never heard them before ordering them but they sound surprisingly good and only weigh 24 lbs. each. You can buy a pair of them for $300.

