Much as I could geek out on guitar questions for Derek, I am more interested overall in how they write and arrange songs. Does he do most of the structure and riffage, do they share that?
Who does most of the lyrics on their own stuff? What is it like to write and compose as a couple as opposed to two band members? And, as a band person, how the heck to they manage to hear everything when there is so much going on at the same time on stage. I saw them a couple of years ago, and it was amazing to me that they could communicate between themselves and with other band members with so many people on such a small (Danforth Music Hall) stage.
Great and deserved honour Jimi. Enjoy.
OK, one geeky question: What was it like to play Dwayne's Goldtop on one of the final ABB shows? Spooky or what?