I've tried Reaper and I think it's a good piece of software. That said, I use, and will continue to use, Mackie Tracktion II until it no longer works on a future OS. I have used all types of DAW software - Cubase, Pro Tools, Sonar, etc. - over the years and all take away time from creativity to be a bit more of a producer. Tracktion is THE MOST INTUITIVE piece of software I have user used. It's all laid out for you on a single page. Just drag elements to where they need to go and just record.

The version I have still works very well and I am running 64-bit Win 7. I even use a 32-bit VST from Scuffham successfully in there along with a huge collection of VSTs amassed over the years. It doesn't crash. It doesn't hog resources. I have gone overboard and made something like 55 tracks of nonsense to stress it using multiple versions of heavy hitting resource VSTs like Ozone.

Anyway, not to detract from OP but I do like Reaper and should I not be able to use Tracktion in the future it would become my new DAW software of choice. That said, I hope I can use Tracktion forever.