Quote Originally Posted by ZMAN View Post
I have one a few years ago. It was a nice looking amp with a lot of headroom. I used the effects loop as well. I found it to be a little sterile and very loud. For the money the BDRI is a great amp thoough.
I have always wanted to try a jumbo body style Electric like a Joe Pass. I have a Sheraton and a 335 but they are semi.
Do you have any issues with feedback?
One of the reasons I bought the BDRI was because the price was right. Most of the stuff I play doesn't need a channel with lots of gain. I do use the effect loop also. This was another selling point for me.

As for the size of the guitar it really is not what I call "jumbo" Here is a picture of it compared to my Hagstrom which is LP size.

I think it is kind of more like a L4/ES175 then a L5 size When I played it yesterday I was facing the amp and about 5 feet away and it was right at the edge of feedback. BTW if you want to talk loud amps....