Wow thanks guys! Honestly that was just a quick test more than anything, but I'm glad you guys dug it!

Robert, The video was made in Adobe Premiere Pro (CS4 I think) My iPhone was almost flat so I just popped my video camera on the floor next to me as I was messing around in case I stumbled upon anything cool. Hence the angle

To give it the effect it has, I took a scene from an old b-grade 60's film called "The Last Woman On Earth", it's public domain, so no worries about copyright, and layered that over the camera footage. I then stretched it out to 16:9 as the original film was 4:3 and dropped it's opacity to something like 40%.

I then added some stock "Old Film" video loops I have over the top of all that. If you Google "old film FX, Damaged Film, 8MM 16MM" and the like you'll find some, I can't recall exactly where I got mine, but the one I used is about 60 seconds of really badly damaged film as a mov file. I just time stretch and loop it so it fits, and then adjust opacity to taste.

Lastly I add titles, and to make sure they look kind of weather beaten like the rest of the film I drop them in under the damaged film track.

Then in Prem I click export and select the YouTube HD preset and boom!

I like the idea of sending something to Strymon too. I don't know if this video is quite up to par, but I plan to make more!

Oh and in case anyone is wondering, yes, it took more time to make the film clip than it did to record the track :P