Thanks Sean and Ronnie Beth!

It's been a very interesting adventure to say the least. Just glad the surgery and treatment is all behind me now. Wish that the side effects from the treatment went away immediately, but unfortunately that's not how it works, haha.

Thank goodness I have lots of pain meds, because I can sure tell when a dose is wearing off. Right now I'm on a transdermal pain patch that's supposed to be for every 3 days, but I'm changing it (on doctor's orders) every two days instead (fentanyl 75 mCg), plus 10 mg of oxycontin pills every 4 hours, plus lidocaine/maalox mouth rinse every 2 hours. I literally keep a running list so I can keep track of all the dosages and coordinate them for doing the least work in re-dosing, and avoiding missed dosages or overdosages.

Who'da thunk staying doped up would take this much work?