Past hot gear? I gotta +1 Epi's Valve Jr. I'll also throw in a nomination for Roland's Micro Cube.

I was an early adopter of the MC and adored its portability, features, effects, etc. I was also living in a cramped downtown apartment -- it arrived at the perfect time in my life.

But what quashed the MC's momentum was the arrival of the VJr. The VJr was refreshing, elegant, moddable, affordable, photographable, and IT HAD TUBES! I can't recall another amp getting more attention from 2005-2006. And I can't recall an Epiphone-exclusive product being the jewel in Gibson's crown. Everyone who knew anything about guitars had had one eye on the VJr.

I didn't pick up a VJr, although I test drove them constantly at Long & McQuade. I found the VJr too raw and surprisingly loud for my taste, but I was definitely attracted to its price, simplicity of design and IT HAD TUBES!

The arrival of the VJr meant my MC's days were numbered. By the time I dumped my MC, the VJr's success spawned a tidal wave of desirable bedroom amps. I ended up buying a refurbished AC4TV and I still play that today. In fact, I was noodling with it 20 minutes ago.

The AC4 was 'it'-ish for a couple of months, but it couldn't become a true sensation like the Micro Cube or Valve Jr.

Oh, then the Vox Night Train pulled into the station. It didn't make a tonal splash but it sure upped the ante for amp design overnight. Who didn't want a Night Train at first site?
