I'm considering getting an Avatar or Mojo cabinet for my Bandmaster head and I'm looking for a speaker that will mellow off the highs, give me warmer, lower mids, and a nice bass response. Something that won't sound to spikey with my strats on the bridge pickup.

I'm considering the Celestion G12H30 (that Hendrix tone) or something by Eminence (Swamp Thang maybe?) Avatar recommends maybe using a Vintage 30 with a G12H30 mixed.

I want a warm sounding speaker but not one that is too bassy.

Any input is appreciated. I'd like to stick with Eminence or Celestion, but if you have any other suggestions, that would be great. I've seen some posts here about Warehouse speakers too, but I'd like to order the cab pre-loaded already.

I'm having my basement refinished so as not to disturb the Mrs. or the neighbors (I live in a townhouse) so volume won't be as much of an issue. The tone tubby ceramics I have are nice, but not as warm as I'd like.

I've had little experience with different speakers...I usually just kept the stock ones in my combos, etc.