How'd your real world test of the TM60 turn out?

My son, 19, came by today with his SWR Workingpro 15 he, much to my delight, collected from his old band he had been letting "use" it, along with other things. This, however, probably being the most valuable single item. I was VERY glad he got it. One of the band members called me up and tried to squash the move and I let him have it bluntly, telling him that the RICH and CHEAP parents of some of the band members should buy the band a decent PA of suitable durability and power, instead of relying on the assumed kindness of me, a retired and limitted income dude that originally bought the great equipment for myself and later my son, giving some of my best stuff to my son as I got new stuff, like my MIJ 80' vintage white Fender Jazz bass. I play a new Squire Jazz bass with modded Fender Noisless J Bass pickups, which are, as few are aware, incredibly awesome and fabulous sounding pups for a J bass.

He was grooving on his Epi Thunderbird Goth bass thru his little Vox T-20 I think it is; an old style NOS bass amp with the vintage grill cloth, and playing along with his friend from college in Pittsburg. His friend played my son's hot rodded Epi Studio ebony black "beauty" with duncan covered pups thru my new Peavey Classic 30, playing "Smoke on the Water" and a variety of other jams at rather high volume, sounding great. They got into the groove and my son smiled. I was touched, needlesstosay. Passion rekindled.

He said he is really going to get a smile on his face when he plugs into the SWR. I hope he puts his talent to profitable use and auditions for a few bands in Pittsburg, a major party town.

I am SO glad he got that amp back from them before they sold it or something. I think they were using it as sound reinforcement as a PA or something in their Screamo band. They still, unfortunately, are "using" my
80's Peavey TNT115 bass amp with the awesome black widow speaker in it, and my son's hard earned year old MikroKorg synthesizer keyboard, vocorder. "Using" is a pretty good word here, considering that the parents of a lot of the members of the band have BIG money and I'm retired and just trying to provide my talented son with some good sh&t like I never had as a youngster. I believe in good stuff.

Glad you got a great amp and hope it served you well, Eric.