Hi Everyone,

I wanted to pass along some information about a pedal I just bought for my current gig. I am singing a lot of backup vocal parts along with my usual guitar duties for the band that I currently play with.

I bought one of these pedals from TC Electronic called the Harmony G.
You plug in your guitar and mic to the pedal, and then you just take the guitar thru (output) to your guitar amp, then the mic output to your PA.

The pedal creates harmonies from your voice that match the guitar chords you're playing. It's perfect if you do a lot of background vocals along with your guitar playing. It makes your background parts sound like 3 guys singing together. It's very useful for getting a really good vocal sound. I used it last week at a gig that I was playing at and the rest of the guys in the band really liked having it because it made everyone's singing sound better with all the harmonies in the background.

I'm really liking it. Here's a link to a demo of it:
