I play in a 4-pc (keys, guitar, bass, drums). We cover country, 50's-60's, classic rock, southern rock/blues, some old school punk, newer rock (Nickelback, INXS) and more (what more could there be ). Our keyboard player is also an accomplished accordian player so polkas are never out of the question

We don't gig every weekend, nor do we want to. Once or twice a month this time of year. We are committed family guys, hold down day jobs etc. and have outgrown our aspirations for fame and fortune. We play for the love it and like to share it with as many people as possible.

After a 20 odd year hiatus from playing in any kind of band I'm having the time of my life. Hence the band name "Mid-Life Crisis". So far we get along like a Band of Brothers. No issues, egos etc. (except mine).

Yes, we now know that name is far from original, but we're the only MLC in these parts and the name fits so well

