Quote Originally Posted by marnold
I don't know about "later" albums, but I've heard this story too. I thought that was more around the "Under Lock and Key" timeframe. Lynch is really hard to nail down because he changes amps and effects so frequently. The only constant is really his bengal striped guitar. Otherwise he has used Randall, Soldano, Marshall, back to Randall again. He's used various overdrives, modded DS-1s, and so on. Add to that the tendency to record different parts with different amps and you get a tone that is impossible to reproduce outside the studio. Yet it always sounds like George . . .
You're right about the later albums I needed to clarify that George made that comment in one of the Guitar mags right after the "Back for the Attack" album was released. I keep forgetting this is 2010 and that was 1987. I act like it was just yesterday. Are we that old already?