I guess it's also a memory thing.

Well, I've become addicted to PDA's...have to check everything from them. Like at work, I check when's the next lesson&which room, and check again in five, then check again at least once more when I'm already walking there. I don't know what I'd do without it. Got everything there with 15-minute timetables. Also dates and shopping lists. I still can't remember dates like my son's birthday etc. at all. I'm also very thankful for these keychains and keychain wallets; have had all my keys and wallet in chains attached to my belt for half a decade. I'd never remember to bring them along otherwise. And for the rest of the stuff I use these carbine/climbing hooks I attach to belt so they tag along as well. Passwords are a nightmare, and even though I've had the same PIN code for my creditcard for over 15 years, last night I spent a good five minute trying to remember what it was. I also use the same code for my phone PIN and still I have had to call the operator a few times when I've forgotten it, LOL.

The only thing I'm happy about concerning my bad memory is I can give the same lecture a gazillion times and tell the same jokes over and over again and it still feels fresh and I don't feel like I've said the things so many times over a decade already, hahahaha...