I already basically had my big rant on this topic in the lime wire thread.

However, in addition to that rant. I would like to say that I sometimes have a buddy rip a cd, if I like it then I go out and buy it probably 90% of the time. Ive probably bought several 1000 cd's in my lifetime and a few 100 cassettes. I just started a vinyl collection. I normally rip most of my albums onto a blank disk and keep those in the car, to prevent scratching and stolen items. Ive had several disk's over the years stolen from my car or at a party. Plus by carryin it around Ive been known to give them to friend to check out. Within my circle of friends all but 1 or 2 of us are "collectors" so if we like something we buy it. Sometimes when we are in the last record store around. We'll buy a disk just because the album cover is cool. While alot of times we ended up with something lost in a pile, we was listening to Korn, Marylin Manson and Type O Negative months or even years before they where big. Which gives us a little bragging rights when our circle mingles with other circles. Good times in general. Ive even known to buy a album just because. I picked up Pantera's Cowboys from Hell 20th anniversary cd about a month ago and its still sealed.

We was discussing this awhile back and we kind of agree'd that adventually cd's will be pushed out like they did to their predicessor. And all you'll really be able to do is to download. However, we also seemed to agree that vinyl will continue to be produced and offered along the lines of a "collectors item". With a current price point around $20 new. Those price's would likely to climb to $25-$30 range. Regardless of what is offered, there is always going to be a group, myself included, who wants to own the physical recording and all the bells and wistles that go with it.

I think the hardest thing to do when looking at the illeagl and legal side is to put yourself in the shoes of the artist. Which I beleive is hard to do, or at least one of those things people just convince themself they'd give it away. Think of it this way, say you had a job where you got paid by the peice rate. Meaning for each peice you completed you got a quarter. However, everytime you turn your head someone walks by and just takes a handfull of those peices. Would that be ok with you because your bank account is in good standings or cos the other guy needed them to make a quota? I seriously doubt it.

I saw Zakk Wylde on that metal show awile back. And he got talking about a young relative who illegaly d/ls. He said he felt the saddest part about it was seeing all these disks wrote in marker. Then one day the kid had a tee on of his favorite band. And Zakk asked him where he got it. He told him he bought it at a show. Zakk asked him if he bought it or just reached over the counter and grabbed it and took off. Cos thats what he does with their music.