I have another one to share; this one is with the Kodak company.

I bought an all-in-one Kodak printer about 10 months ago. About three months ago, I started having problems when I tried to print photos. There were no problems printing anything else, but the photos turned out looking like blobs of ink...really bad. I emailed Kodak, and they sent a new print head. I installed the new head, and tried to print a photo: Same thing. At this point I'm getting a little pissed. I emailed again, and this time I got back a lengthy reply/apology and...wait for it...a request for my shipping info so that they could send me a new printer. Well, it arrived today (about five business days after I sent my info), and it's actually a bigger, better model than the one that it's replacing. I do have to ship the old printer back, but it's on Kodak's dime. That's pretty good customer service, if you ask me. I'm happy I went with Kodak for this printer, and because of this experience, I'll probably continue to buy Kodak products. Just thought I'd share that with everyone.