I also never played on stage, but I got into that routine when I did sound for my friends band. Yes I agree, it is a "lost day" as far as the family is concerned, but I always enjoyed the ride to the venue with the band in "The Magic Bus"! Laughing and joking the whole way. Even the most arrogant musician was easy to talk to on the bus. The load in always sucked! So much stuff and no matter how easy the club made load in (ramps from the street to the stage were pure heaven) it still is back breaking work. sound check was also a little stressful, especially if you couldn't quite get that sound you wanted, of course by the time the show started it all changes so for about the first two songs you are tweeking the sound to get it right. But after you get it dialed in and barring no break downs (like losing half the mains!) it was fun. It was for those few hours that it made it all worth it. Sure, the money was not great, but I did not care. It was so much fun and how many people can say they did it in their life? Finally, the load out was always the worst. You were tired and all I wanted was a bed, but you had to endure the two hours it took to break down and pack up.

It has been years since I did it, but if given the chance I would do it again today. No regrets