I have always wanted a full tube amp and I've been really getting sick of the lack of character I was getting from my Randall RG200G3. I mean it's great for rock and metal type genres...but not that great for country styles.

So I've been saving up for a Vox AC30 Custom Classic 2 to replace the Randall, but last night the lead singer/rhythm guitarist from my band asked if I wanted to swap my Randall for his Fender Twin Reverb, so as anyone would I jumped at the opportunity of basically getting a free amp. I got it home and checked the serial and if the serial number is anything to go from it was made in 1974! Its been really well looked after and sounds great! Its a fair amount heavier than my Randall but I had a trolley made for my amp and it fits it just fine.

I definitely got the better end of the deal here I think :P