GC's used site has some incredible deals on a bunch of used equipment right now... It takes a little digging, but one can find some quality stuff for cheap. Some of the stores price their stuff a few dollars off the MAP price, which is silly, but most list their used gear at reasonable to great prices.

I've been looking at used equipment lately, trying to find something that I can grab with a little more volume for jams and such (my Mustang I, though loud for its size, just won't cut it with an enthusiastic drummer)... and I've come across a the "Red Knob" series of amphs. They look cool, and I've heard some cool sounds on YouTube, but I know very little about them.

Anyone own any "Red Knob" Fender amphs? What did you think about it? Was it reliable? Did your amph sound good? Do you still have the amph in your arsenal? If not, why did you sell it/trade it/throw it in the dumpster?

Here's an example of "The Twin." Too much power for my needs, but sounds great!