I have to agree with Deeaa. There has to be more talent today. Maybe not so much taste None, or almost none of the music that I imagine most people on this forum would consider to be good hits the radio stations or night clubs. Why it is like it is is a whole other matter. I think it would be a great subject for research.

As to the complexity of a song or the talent of the song writer; the number of chords have, in my humble opinion very little to do with those two things. It's almost the other way around, the more you can do with less, the more talent you have. Take songs like Born in the USA, 2 chords. All along the watchtower (Hendrix version), 3 chords. Eleanor Rigby, 2 chords. Working Class hero, three chords. Lots of good songs have three chords or less. Actually, if you google "songs with three chords", one of the results is this http://www.the-joy-of-guitar.com/listof3chordsongs.html