Yeah, Tio Kimo, probably sounds weird. Loved both the 339 and PRS. But a couple of years ago I promised to myself I wouldn't spend incremental dollars on the music family in the interest of the real family , so I only spend if I'm divesting as well as acquiring. Tough though because I get stupid attached to most of my guitars including the ones I traded. Much as I liked the other two (the third was an old Squier Tele) I wasn't using them much outside the house. The gig rig is my Strat, Tele and I wanted one more. The 339 served part of that but wasn't really versatile. Then I started reading and trying out the new LPs and made the call. Right or wrong who knows. Time will tell. Left to my own devices I'd still have every guitar I ever owned. Happy to answer any questions you have about the Lone Star, but have to warn you I'm not terribly knowledgeable about amps -- sorry, amphs. Ask here or in the amp thread and I'll tell you what I can. Sure love that amp.