I just got my free Hell picks in the mail from syo. I don't have a ton of time to mess with them since today is Ash Wednesday thus I've got an extra service tonight (I'll let the whole "Hell" irony sink in here), but here's a quick overview:

There are three picks in the package: 1mm, 2mm, and 3.2mm. They are roughly the same size as a black Dunlop Jazz III XL, although not as pointy. The XL is in between the 1 and 2mm in thickness and also in stiffness. One thing you notice right away is the texture. The pick feels satiny. There is an indentation on the one side and grips on both sides for your thumb and index finger.

If you don't like the "plink" that a V-Pick makes when you strike the string, these picks definitely don't have that. The attack is much more muted, even more than the Jazz III. That doesn't equal "dull" by any means. The satiny finish makes the picks glide across the strings very easily. I'll have to brush up on my sweeping technique to give them a proper test. I might prefer them to be a bit pointier at the tip. Too early to tell if that will be an issue or not.

My issue with non-V-Picks is that since I am devoid of my first three fingertips on my right hand, Fenders and Dunlops just want to spin when I'm playing. The V-Picks have that "grippiness" to them that I really like. It will be interesting to see if the grips combined with the satin finish on these Hell picks will enable me to stay in control. I will also be interested to see how well they wear. If nothing else, they'll be easier to find when I drop one than my clear V-Picks. More detailed impressions to follow . . .