Quote Originally Posted by Glacies View Post
I did not remaster that one. I tried recording an original song called "Stiff Parrot". It took me like 4 hours to do Kryptonite so I was sick of it by the end. Stiff Parrot took me about an hour. My wife, who loves the song, tried to record a bass track on it but struggled with the speed as she just started playing the bass about a month or so ago.

I was debating posting it because it's a bit silly and I wasn't sure how you guys would react to it, but I think I did a better job with the recording: https://soundcloud.com/stiff-parrot/stiffparrot

As stupid as it is, it's kind of got a cult following with my friends so they asked when that was coming, I decided to do that last weekend. This time I tried singing under the down comforter, but I think I did worse than before. On the first few takes I couldn't keep the headphones on for the click track so I tried to do without. You can kind of tell I speed up progressively. I learned how to filter the vocals and get rid of some of the crap on there - the low frequencies that were present even during silence, and the same with the high frequencies. I pulled some peaks out too but I notice there is some clipping on the vocals. I'm not particularly happy with the vocals either, again, despite the fact I was under the comforter, I just couldn't get my gut into it. Next weekend I might just have a drink, sing my *** off for 5 minutes and let the neighbors deal.

This time I used my strat and I dialed the distortion down. I'm pretty happy with the guitar tone on this one. Vocals aren't way off either so I'm much happier with this as a whole. Since it's original, you have nothing to gage it by though.
That's a pretty fun song. I see what you mean about the tempo speeding up, but once the song gets going it seems to stabilize a bit.

It's good to see that you're making progress. Thanks for the update!