Thanks Jipes and DVM,

I think as far as electronics go, modding the guitar's pickups, pots, etc. is about as deep as I really want to go. What you've suggested, Jipes, is something I've heard from many others. It's great advice for those who play a lot and have run into a rut. Having said that, it's also one of the reasons why I'd like a good hardtail guitar to mess with some of that stuff.

I think I've got an idea what I'm going to do. I want to give it a couple of days to make sure I'm going to stick with it. It's something I've wanted to do for years, but never got around to. Details (hopefully) to follow. The good news is that my fingers are a bit tired right now I was also reminded that I really like the sound of my Jet City, especially with my "Thesis 96" DVM OD in front!

As an aside, I went to the local store where I had once seen that Fender Deluxe Strat, but it must've been sold. I touched the neck on it and realized it would need the fret ends filed back. Unfortunately that seems to be a common refrain around here with Fenders in every price range.