I am very saddened to hear of Mr. Nelskie's departure. It's no secret, especially to Robert, that the two of our personalities came to a head last May. And as a result, we have gone our separate ways.

Too bad...I was kinda hoping that this outlet would possibly serve a way to heal and possibly restore our friendship.

One things for sure...Mr. Nelskie will be a success wherever he goes! Do you know why? Because I have never known a man so driven and so disciplined. Plus he's one of these rare individuals who lives by his principals and is willing to go to the gallows for those principals.

I am not going to take sides and say who's right and who's wrong. I am simply paying tribute to an intelligent, articulate man, who's friendship I greatly miss.

Nelskie, if you're out there reading this, I'm sorry for our tiff last May. God's Speed to you, wherever you are!