FANTASTIC , info gentelmen .. thanks for taking the time .. those who have read my posts have no doubt become aware of my fanaticism for tubage and vintage tone , but believe it or not I am looking hard at venturing into the modeling arena .. but like most ,i find the choices a little overwhelming ,.
I think what we are seeing in the area of guitar and sound amplification is no so much an evolution as a revolution, the future is now .. I remain steadfast in my belief that vintage tube tone is undeniably sweeter but there is no denying that the time has come to adjust the blinders and see just what is available and just how good it really is , that and the price and scarcity of original vintage tube gear it only makes sense to look to modeling as a way to achieve the tone and keep the old stuff at home and off the road just to protect it from wear and tear and possible theft etc .. anyway great thread and bring on the information ..I'm all ears .