
I just joined the forum and am looking foward to gathering insight from all you guys!

I used to play bass from about 1970 through about 1990. I fooled around a bit on guitar and keyboards as well, but my main thing was bass. Through a series of circumstances, I ended up getting into professional sound reinforcement, (live sound engineering). I was in business with a partner (who now works for NASA, but still keeps his hand in the business a bit). We had the privilage of working for some of the biggest bands through the 80's. I have been away from music for a long time and am looking foward to getting back into it a bit. We have a place set up to get together and jam, but I have come to the realization that I can't play any more and don't know anything about the current hot set ups, best strings, straps, pickups, bridges, etc...

I still have my Fender Precision bass and just got an Epiphone 57 Les Paul Jr. Reissue and an Epiphone SG copy. I am getting a Semi-hollowbody Telecaster soon and want a Rickenbacher bass and a real Les Paul at some point. I also want a vintage SVT set up and Marshall stack. Add some synthesizer/keyboards and some purcussion toys and I'll probably be happy for a while. I hope to get back my feel for playing and all the equipment within the next few years.

Well, thats it for now. Sorry about the long post....
