
Well I heard a guy playing a Crate Palomino V8 5 watt combo ($279.00) today at the local GC and I was floored! That thing had the nicest sweetest overdriven sound. I have been considering a Champ or building a clone or getting a Valve Junior to mod but I do not need another project with two guitar projects going right now, my son going to college this fall and my father being 92 years old. I would like to just buy a tube amp and start having some fun. I would probably have that much in a Champ clone or a fully modded VJ.
Have any of you guys tried the Palominos? Do you know if I could get the same sweet tone from the 15 watter or 30 at low volume? I am seriously considering selling my 1 year old Vox ad50vt for one of these. I want a nice overdriven tube sound at a quiet level for recording. I have my Power Block for anything louder. I have read good reviews so far on the Palomino but I really need to go and try one out myself but I don't play that good to be playing at full volume at GC.

Any thoughts?
