Time for a bone saddle
My success with the bone nut I made has encouraged me to try my hand at a compensated saddle for my fender dreadnaught. I am using the original as a template again, and the same techniques I used for the nut. I should have probably taken some before recordings of the guitar for comparison, but I forgot to. Another thought I had too late was to check the intonation before removing the strings to replace the nut, so I could fine tune the saddle positions from the original. Now I guess I will have to adjust it the next time I do a set up, if at all.
Guit Boxes: 87 MIJ Strat, Ibanez MIJ RG540, Korean Fender Dreadnaught, The Loar LH-500 (1934 L-5 Reproduction)
Amp: Marshall TSL100 amp head with JCM900 1960 Lead 4 X 12 angled cab
Effects: Crybaby, TS10 Tube Screamer, Badder Bad Monkey, Boss Metal Zone