I just wanted to encourage as many Fretters as possible to consider contributing financially to support TheFret. I just put my credit card where my mouth is and sent in $30. Not a ton, but it adds up. I realize some guys like Pie are high schoolers and might not have cash, but there's still plenty who can help. I figured that since I visit this place several times a day, I should contribute something to the upkeep. I've moderated and run forums before so I know what a PITA it can be.

Plus, that cruel Canadian winter is coming up so we need to make sure Robert is well-stocked with beaver pelts and Molson.

No, Robert did not put me up to this

Just a note, even though I changed the country to United States on the Pay Pal form, it didn't give me the option to enter my state until I tried to submit the info the first time. I'm not sure if that's a glitch with Pay Pal's form or Firefox. Either way, it worked eventually.