But, I see there are several fellow Washburn Forae Folk over here.

Muddy suggested I check this place out and after looking at a few videos and the layout figured I would register. From what I have read so far this place has a much more comfortable feel to me.

I was forced into classical lessons at 7 suffered through about a year of that crap....This would have been about 1975 I was really in to Kiss and Ace Frehley by that time and I wanted to rock not try to be Beethoven.

My aunt who bought me my first guitar and the lessons did not want to invest in the future of the next Rock God....so they yanked me out of classes and tried to beat the devil out of me LMAO....didn't work.

About 3 years ago now I guess I decided I wanted to try guitar again and went to Musicians Friend and bought the El Cheapo Rogue starter guitar for $29.00 bucks and a Dean Evo XM electric.....then went into a pawn shop and bought a Peavey Bandit 112 for $150....had more in the amp than I did both guitars....

I didnt want to invest alot of money in case I did not stick with it....6 months later I bought my first Washburn D10S and Gas promptly set in, I bought a D10QSB, D10SCE, a Greg Bennett Avion (Les Paul copy) a Strat copy, a Tele copy, and then I have this years long lust affair for the Washburn J28SDL that I still have not broken down and bought.....

Currently I have the Avion, and Tele copy and the Parkwood PW340FM the Tele and Parwood are possibly sold so I can finance my next round of gas....and I am working towards saving for a Gibson Les Paul Solid Mahogany.

I have been around forums for roughly 10 years or so now I guess started out with Virtual Dr tech support forums and have made the rounds to many different tech support, music and guitar forums.

Always trying to learn something new....and still trying to learn to play guitar...but at 39....I am guessing I will be trying to learn this thing up until the day they bury me with it.