Swede - Surprisingly (or not), they're two different animals tone and playing-wise. The MIJ has a grittier, perhaps more bottom-heavy tone to it than my MIM, which is brighter, and a bit more on the mid-dy side of things. I like to use my MIJ for crunchier stuff, like Black Sabbath, SRV, Hendrix, and the like. My Classic 60's is what I turn to for stuff with a more traditional, vintage-y feel, like what I've described above. The MIM has a fatter maple / rosewood neck, whereas my MIJ has a medium-sized, all-maple number. Both play wonderfully, and sound amazing.

Which one do I like best? Well, if the truth be known - neither. I'm very fortunate to own (2) awesome Strats, each very unique in their own respects. I love 'em both!

Justa' - Hmmm - do I detect a hint of sarcasm there? Heh, heh, heh. Let's just call now the "calm before the storm". Rest assured, when the time does come to bear arms, the guitars and amps at the Fort Nelskie will come a' blazin'.