So, right now I have a nice electric that I'm using, but it's not my own. Granted, it's previous owner is my sibling, and she doesn't use it anymore (and has not in like three years), but I'll want to get my own electric at some point.. I'm figuring down the line should I manage to stick with it as much as I'd like to.

I've seen what I want.

I want. So much. Fender doesn't offer it as a standard colour, and hasn't since the 60s or something. Now, I know it's kind of silly to buy a guitar based on it's aesthetics, and I will be told "tonality!" and I agree! As far as I know, Fender's strat series are widely used and good guitars.

The problem comes where I can't buy one stock in that colour, it would have to be refinished. I am NOT handy, and would be way too afraid to try and alter an expensive instrument like that, so I'd like to get it professionally refinished.

That said.. any tips? Should I buy a white one as opposed to another colour so it's easier to paint? Who/where could I take such a thing? My google-fu has failed me. Also, seeing as this is a long range goal, like over a year, I'll be saving up.. should I be looking into an American or a Standard? and how much should I expect to pay for the refinishing job?

Thanks for any advice