I know this is old, but I'm bumping it because I just did the Tone Stack and Twin Stack mods too. I used 600v orange drops, because I didn't realize I had ordered them instead of the 100v ones. They are big but they fit, heh.

I also ordered a HUGE cap for power supply stiffening mod, but I didn't have the guts (or time) to drill 2 holes in my PCB. I wasn't quite sure where to do it, and I couldn't find a photo on Billm's site. So I still need to do that one. DVM, you wouldn't happen to have a photo of the Power Supply Stiffening Mod, would ya?

Also, I retubed with JJ High Gain package. So far I'm diggin' the results. I managed to jam the Fat Switch though, that thing is a pain in the ***, I'd like to remove it completely, as I never use it.