For the acoustic stuff, I'd leave the effects to a bare minumum if you're playing blues, maybe a touch of reverb.

My Digitech multieffects pedal fried about a year ago, and I never bothered to replace it. For blues and country playing, I don't miss it. I dial in just a little reverb and fiddle with the EQ knobs on the amp for the rest. Works good for me!

If I was to build a pedalboard these days, it would contain something like a Digitech Bad Monkey overdrive for a little extra boost when needed, a chorus pedal (used sparingly), a delay unit (again used sparingly at low levels), and maybe a Crybaby wah.

Or, if you want to go the "handmade, boo-teek" route, our own DuhVoodooMan can help you out there for less than the other "boo-teek" pedal builders out there.

Keep in mind, though, that effects tend to drown out mistakes and muddy up your playing, and that's not necessarily good if you're just starting out.

I'd recommend keeping what ya got for now, and practice using a very clean setting on the amp. That can be boring, but it will payoff in the long run.

If you use effects, don't be heavy handed with them, and just use them to add a little color to your tone.