
I love my MIM Strat. It even says FENDER on it.

It's the 2 color sunburst. I changed pickups though to the Fender Custom Shop Texas Specials. And I also relic'd the pickup covers and knobs to offset the overly bright white pickguard. I've owned American Standards in the past and love those. I sold most of them and had a couple of them stolen.

I had this one Squire that was made in Japan once and man I tell you...that guitar was awesome. It was perfect. The neck was perfect and it just sounded so much like the way you think a Strat SHOULD sound. Like a dummy I sold that one for dirt cheap and later on tried to find the guy I sold it to so that I could buy it back! Never found him.

I picked up a deluxe natural wood body Squire yesterday at Guitar Center and I really didn't like the neck on it. It was too bulky for my tastes. I have to agree with Robert that the 51's neck is sweet. I don't like overly laquer'd finishes either on necks.
