Quote Originally Posted by markb
It's a swings and roundabouts deal. ...

...They've reduced the OD/dist options to 10 but added some of the amp models from the GT10. The amp modeler can be switched off whence it becomes a proper 5 band (I think) EQ. This gives it more flexibility than the ME-50 for recording or direct to the PA gigs but loses the ME-50's "just the FX, ma'am" style which I prefer to "all bells and whistles"....
I've tried and had enuff amp modelers over the years to come to the conclusion that I don't care for any of them, although I guess my Roland Micro-Cube qualifies as one. Amp modelers are cool, just not for me. I'd rather keep things simple & have one go-to 2-channel amp (i.e., the Tech21 T60) that combined with the appropriate FX (besides the ME50, I've got a few other basic tricks in the bag...an old MXR 10-Band EQ maybe the most useful) can cover all the bases I need covered.
I've discovered that the two button footswitches that come with the Behringer V-amp (and some of their amps) work with the ME-50. They're a better build quality than the AB200.
Now, that's good to know : As long as you either keep the amp, or sell it without the switch to someone who just fell off a turnip truck... There's plenty of options besides the Boss switches...like almost any other mfr, they make it sound in the manuals like you MUST use their accessories, or you'll explode the amp...