Ayh, I like Charvels a lot. I have half a dozen friends who also dig&own them, one neighbor of mine has about a dozen alone.

I have owned a 1 and 3 from circa '88 I guess, guitar, not toothpaste logo, and a Jackson/Charvel tele kind of job, and I have played plenty of Dinkys etc. And my main axe was built using the woods of an 80's Charvette 1st series which used Charvel woods.

All the charvels, except some of the more recent eastern jobs have extremely nice necks and I have yet to meet one that's gone bad. The Jackson/Charvel I had had the slimmest neck I ever met on any guitar, it was practically nonexistant up to the point of being painful to play chords on...but incredibly fast to solo and despite some 15 years of rough use straight as a razor still.

Same with the Charvette made custom I now play...it had a semi-thin neck I shaped into an asymmetrical V shape plus contoured the body to my liking, made into hardtail...it's nearly 20 years old and light as a feather and simply a superb guitar to play.

So yeah, I am definitely a fan of Charvels...USA made old ones are the best but even early Charvettes are superb in their woods and also some Japanese(?) made series are built with woods that totally stand the time and are very well done indeed.

Good Charvels of almost any age typically fetch around 600-800 dollars as base figure around here, excluding the cheaper eastern made models, and some USA made special models can fetch real high prices of course. BUT you can sometimes score an 80's job in rough shape for cheep; I paid 120 bucks for my Charvette wreck and I would have paid that for the neck alone.