It does seem common. My wife unfortunately has a problem with her ovaries that complicated just getting pregnant. After some treatment we got her system working right and that's really what we took away from this failed pregnancy. We were so happy that we could actually get pregnant that it was a horrible letdown, but we are happy that we are fortunate enough to get pregnant. So we'll try again. This week was bad, instead of the D&C we decided to try to force the miscarriage after she didn't pass it. That made her terribly ill and just really screwed her up for a few days. We don't even know if it was successful yet.

I told my wife last night that I imagine with all of the issues and poking and prodding by doctors, it's gotta be making her feel like a lot less of a Lady, so I'm going to do my best to make sure I make up for it. I could see that resonated pretty deeply with her.

Got the details on the offer from the new job today, there's a pretty big relocation alotment and that's really just taking a lot of added stress off our plate. Looks like we're going to be okay.

Edit: I'm moving from Lynchburg, VA to the eastern side of Richmond, VA - about 3 hours away.