Quote Originally Posted by Duffy View Post
How would you compare the sound?

Is the neck really more useful now with a lot of different tones available; a good mellow vibe all the way up to a serious growl? How did the whole wiring assembly affect the sound of the bridge pickup? Did the sound change? Is the neck P90 RWRP so you have noise cancelling in the middle switch position? Or whatever switch positions that you have on that assembly? It looks awesome. What happened to the chrome barrel control knobs?

I'm thinking this should be a very fun guitar to play and very satisfying to just plain look at.

Nice job going on there.
1, I am not going to say "more" useful, because the neck pup in that guitar was already pretty useful. it was just too close to the neck pup in my strat. This one is definitely on the more fat, growly side, with a good, fat mellow clean. I will know more once I get the pickup adjusted properly. I anticipate a really nice jazz tone going quickly up to full growl. Right now, if I turn on the ZYS or Bad Monkey, even at moderate gain, it becomes a full throated roar immediately. So the entire voice of the guitar moved a couple/few clicks over to rock zone. But I can teel when adjusted properly, Bryan Gunsher's pickups will be very musical too. Very fun!

2. I replaced everything, the bridge pup too, so the whole sound changed. I may throw the stock bridge back in just to compare at some point. Overall, the guitar is much louder and stronger sounding, and as I said, a much fatter rawk vibe rather than a clean, country vibe as a stock tele with Alnico V's is.

3. Yes, I believe so. He wired the pickups to go together like on a normal tele, and there is no noise in the middle positions.

4. The stock knobs did not fit as they are for narrower shafts and are push on. I have Fender amp style knobs coming that are held on with a knob and are built to American shaft spec. They should hopefully get here tomorrow or Friday.

Yes, it will be fun! In this configuration, it is very different from anything I own, and spreads my tonal palette quite a bit. A solid body rawk guitar with a fat sound the loves to growl! The clean sounds are going to be nice and fat as opposed to the stratty cleans on my strat, and will be discovered more as I get it all properly adjusted. It is fun now, but sounds just a bit over-saturated in the neck, like having recording levels turned up too high on your old tape deck. Once I get the new pickup adjusting screw, that will be fixed. if you look closely at the pictures, you can see that pickup is still pretty high. I will be spending some time with it in the next couple weeks and will follow up when I get to know it more.