I think Trump will do good. He is not a Politician, and he never has been one. That is what real change is about. If he sucks, he will be gone. The Democratic party has left Democrats like me out. I am fairly old and consider myself a JFK Democrat, the current Democratic party is no where near anything JFK believed in. I have friends that are pretty big in The Green Party in NYC. I don't agree with much of their politics BUT I can tell you....I respect them because they are real. They were equally against The Democrat's AND The Republicans. In fact they are very upset at Jill Stein's recount efforts, and have abandoned her too. I even had respect for Bernie UNTIL he sold out and backed Hillary. THAT is NOT the definition of a revolution....sorry. And Senator Warren pretty much did the same thing, she must have been kicking herself for not running....she would have beaten Bernie and Hillary and probably WON the election. Just one opinion....and if this discussion can stay civil here....then that would be great, because I have not seen a civil discussion ANYWHERE.