Just curious what all of you would say to the above question. I'm fairly firmly rooted in indie rock, britpop, grunge, and contemporary church music (from a playing standpoint anyway).

What I wish I could play, however, is hard rock and the more guitar-based classic rock of the 70s. I love that music, particularly from a guitar standpoint, but I find it to be kind of far away from what I know on the guitar. It's not that I couldn't or won't learn it eventually, but I've noticed over time that my tendencies always seem to go back to my roots, and that tends to be based around the genres I listed above.

Do any of you have similar experiences? Grounded in jazz but would love to play metal? Great at classic rock but interested in ambient music? Maybe I'm alone in this, but if this thread has zero responses at least that will tell me that I am in fact an anomaly.