I think Tone's Silver Jubilee has the sound that defines the Marshall tone. Funny that such great sounds come from a 1x12 combo.

That said, the JCM 800 is incredible, and Jimi's JTM45 sounds awesome with his Strat. Robert's and Dee's amphs sound glorious, too. The choices are so tightly grouped that it's hard to pick one, but Tone's amph is something special, I think.

My first band's other guitar player played a Les Paul Studio direct into a 50 watt JCM 800 head and 4x12. At live volumes (read: earsplitting, we played VERY loud, to compensate for our drummer), it sounded unreal. I should have followed his lead and bought one of those heads instead of my rack rig. I'd still have it today, instead of a pile of useless parts.