I think Seagull, Washburn, and Ibanez artwood (or those exotic wood ones that were mentioned above) are all good. The Seagulls I've played don't project very well, but they're nice and warm, which is what I usually go for. I usually plug in anyway, so volume isn't a big deal -- I just don't know that I'd use one if I was in a bluegrass band.

The nicer Takamines are also good to play. Some people do dislike the necks on Seagulls, so I would make sure you like it before plopping down the cash. Personally, I like the neck a lot on the regular ol' S6 that I have.

If you want to fit in with the current church trends, go for Taylor or Breedlove. I've always been a little underwhelmed by Breedlove though. Nice guitars, but they don't really blow me away when factoring in price.