I don't see how Trump will be able to make people "come together". Not at all.

I shake my head at these people on both sides who spread so much hate towards the other side - it's all over social media and comments on newspaper articles. We have it here in Canada too. Incredibly far fetched accusation and claims, obviously based on emotion. I actually asked a student why he states Hillary is such a criminal. He said there is so much evidence and it's out in the public. I said "can you show me? I'd like to know what you know". Of course he couldn't. He just "knows". He believes it firmly. I mean, I am not defending anyone - I just think criminals should be prosecuted, and if there is not enough evidence, leave it be and move on. Doesn't that seem logical? Put Hillary in jail if she is guilty, or stop complaining about it, and especially - stop spreading false information around. There's so much of that.

The same goes for Trump. If he is guilty of sexual assault, start the trial and bring it on. If there isn't evidence, leave it be and move on. People in general don't do that though, do they?