Steve, I can't believe I wrote it that way! Thanks for reposting and sorry dude for my harsh comment ;-) But these know...

Here's the story of my first gig with my first band. We were invited to support the local metal heroes at that time. This was only because we had hundreds of friends and schoolmates to come to our gig, so these guys thought it would be a good idea to let us do the support so that they could sell their demo.

Our singer lost his voice and because he was to nervous, so we had to give him Japanese oil to regain his voice. The gig was a typical beginners gig. We ran out of songs pretty soon and had to play some of the songs two times. We had an instrumental so that everybody could show his ability : on the instrument. Our timing was horrific and our drummer only knew the ***** batch rhythm at that time, but in two variations: Slow and fast!

Now here comes the highlight of this evening:
I played so many solos that the guitarist of the other band was totally pissed. My solos were bad but my colleagues from school celebrated my solos like if they were played by Kirk Hammett. Now the other guy felt like he had to prove that he is the best, so he came on stage and wanted a guitar battle. He plugged his Charvel Strat into his Marshall and played in front of my nose. I didn't know what was going on, but the kids were either luaghing or booing at him. I played some silly pentatonic stuff and used my wah wah and the kids were cheering. Now, some 15 years later I ashamed of what was going on their and still feel sorry for that poor guy, because he blew me away with his playing :-)

By the way, this could have also been the second gig, don't know if we played 1 or 2 parties before....but it is definitely a happening of the mid 80's.