I always have had a special place for the Fillmore album and have the CD. When it first came out we grooved on it every day. That was one of those albums that grew the more you listened to it, and still has that character. I really like the ABB stuff with Duane Allman in it. Of course, there never would have been an Allman Brothers Band if it wasn't for Duane Allman and possibly Dickey Betts. Maybe Betts will show back up for some guest performances or get reunited someday. But then again, time waits for no one and there can't be an Allman Brothers Band without Gregg. Hope that dude is doing alright.

Anyway, I picked up the DVD called Led Zepellin and am more than totally blown away. It costs about thirty dollars but is worth it, historical for sure. All I can say is, "My God", these performances are unbelievable. Page is incredible, really incredible, along with the rest of the band. Needless to say, John Bonham is more than incredible.

Page on that Black LP is something to see and hear.

Back in the old days of Zep it's easy to see where their roots came from, even though they took it WAY beyond anything that had been before.

Check it out if you get a chance.

It is just called simply, Led Zepellin DVD.