Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
I don't know if it's a good thing I don't know about this stuff or not. If I did, I might not make the songs that way, but then again, I might be conforming to a standard then instead of doing what I want to do. Go figure.
Yeah, I get that; a lot of the time creativity comes out of not analyzing and just doing what comes to you. I guess that's sort of the definition of creativity, huh?

I'll try to give it another listen and see if I can pick out some time-signature changes.

Update: I just tried to figure out what's going on in this song, and I am quite perplexed. It seems like there's random 3/4 bars just stuck here and there, and I'm having trouble figuring out what's going on. I feel like I'd have a shot if you were here showing me what's going on in the song (or at least in your head), but as it is I'm not competent enough at this side of things to really do much in the way of sorting out what's happening. Sorry, Dee.