Quote Originally Posted by duhvoodooman View Post
I just ran my usual set of 10's (10 - 46) on it. They seem to work well for both modes. Scale length is 25.5" (Fender type).

Re: acoustic tone, did you listen to the second part of that first YouTube video link I posted? If you search for "Godin LGX piezo" on YouTube, you can find a couple more examples, I believe.

About time they clamped down on you here, Kip!

I did listen, but you know how that is...no idea what he's playing through. Could be a Roland cube or something. So much can effect what we hear on youtube. It was definitely acoustic-y relative to the other...

But the set up could work. I run out to a VP, to an AB pedal. A is acoustic, to the house DI. B goes through the pedal chain to my Boogie. See what I did there?

The thing is. like you, I play in a big outfit, 8 piece, and small stages. Having two guitars in stands, with mic stand, pedal board, combo....I have a significant footprint. Last weekend the sound guy moved my stand, a 2 in 1 Hercules, to relocate the monitors. I came back, and hastily grabbed my semi in the cramped quarters....the strap was UNDER the leg. I sent the stand, with acoustic (Larrivee) crashing to the floor, smacking on the top/fretboard. Everything survived. But it could have gone differently. The though that I could have one 600 dollar axe meet the need and limit my footprint has appeal. My guitar plays a role in the band, but it's limited. Featured most prominently on a couple of Acoustic tunes, and lots of electric shuffles (soul band). This could likely fill the bill.

Wheels are turnin'