This is great BTW to be able to output all the frustration here...

But yeah, now it also seems so clear to me what's the predicament...WORKLOAD.

Who arranges the PA an makes raiders for PA company and checks out the gear and placement?
Who's the only one who actually knows all the stuff needed and what gear and cords etc. to pack?
Who mixes the whole event after the initial setup?
Who does the setups and sometimes even the tuning for all the instruments in the band?
Who's the guy who (should) be doing promotion and letting people know of the event?
Who's arranged for other bands that come to play?
Who takes care of the addresses and the van and transports?
Who's responsible for all the songs and lyrics for his band?
Who's singing the only vocals in the whole band/plays the main guitars/turns on and off all the FX and stage lights all at the same time at any given time maybe a dozen times during one a song, while constantly singing and playing at 120bpm?
Who minds about batteries in wireless and that everyone has a backup instrument/strings etc?
Who's the guy who keeps an eye on the guys so they don't drink too much and arranges rides and time schedules?
Who prints out stage sheets and makes notifications?
Who records the event on video?
Who's likely to be the ONLY guy able to stand on two feet at eleven in the morning when we need to take down the stuff, and likely must go personally and kick at least one band buddy outta bed to help and lug the entire rig with just a few guys while hung over like hell?

Take a wild guess who's the ONLY guy doing it bleeding wonder I'm stressed like a violin string.
Which reminds me to remind the bassist to bring his backup bass..his strings are at least 3-4 years old...and I also just changed and set up the other guitarist's axe and I know his high E is about to go, so I need to remember to change it for him before the gig...