Quote Originally Posted by Spudman View Post
Who are we to judge? It was their life. I think the guy in the article is being a bit possessive and righteous. Maybe just to stroke his own ego. Fact is: he doesn't have a say in the matter. When you die - you die and nobody has a say in it at all. I don't think equating drug deaths to sport deaths is not a fair analogy either. It seems like the writer wrote it to make himself appear good or feel better about something. Whatever it is it's not his call.
I agree entirely. The writer comes off as self-righteous and his heroin addiction analogy is not particularly accurate, seeming to only to consider the psychological side of addiction. There are plenty of cases where it's not a matter of a junkie wanting to get back to the feeling of some mystical first high, it's a matter of someone physiologically addicted to a substance. In the end, the analogy only makes the writer seem that much more self-righteous as he appears to not understand what he's talking about.

With respect to SVL's actual question, is it ok to die doing what you love... it seems a whole lot better than dying do something you hate. Perhaps as the writer says it's of little comfort to the family of the dead man, but in time that knowledge may help them find some peace.